…WE GOT ANOTHER SNOW DAY!! A real one this time.
We have had snow a couple of times this season but no more than an inch, and Aaron has been sadly asking when he will be able to build a snowman since the first day of cold weather. I was so glad we had a chance to do it today. A cold settled into my head yesterday and I felt pretty crummy, but I loaded myself up with medicine and headed out to play while Ash did some shoveling, some photography, and provided a sledding barrier.
okay, so here we are, finally getting to make a snowman. Aaron loves the story of Frosty and gets kind of emotional about the whole snowman melting away thing. But once we got out there, he was all over the place. He did not want to be tied down to working in one spot on a snowman when there was so much to explore, and so much snow to eat.
Here’s what most of the pictures look like…me working on the blasted thing while Aaron is on the other side of the yard.
but we did get him focused for the key moments.
but, then…he wanted to eat snow.
Ash took a shoveling break to get her photo taken with our frosty friend.
When we brought out the carrot for his nose, Aaron said he wanted to bring out another one so he could eat it. You can see that in his right hand. Here, Ash is pretending to take a bite of Frosty’s nose and Aaron is trying to bat her away.
and this is why I will happily build the snowman alone.
We bought Aaron a saucer at the start of winter and this is his first time trying it out. We have this tiny hill in our side yard, and he got going pretty fast! The top of the snow was just a bit crusty, so it was slick. In this picture, he is careening towards my car parked in the driveway. After the first time he ran in to it, Ash came and stood in front of it every time he came down.
Happy Snow Day!