Tuesday, January 7, 2014

January 7

Well today we had a day off of school for cold temperatures. That's a new one...but having been so sick yesterday I did not venture outside. I went in the garage once and that was quite cold enough, thank you very much!

Here's Aaron doing some homework...

...and Ayla being really mad about something.

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Monday, January 6, 2014

January 6

Well it was back to school today, but not for me, because I woke up at 3 am pretty darn sick. Seems like whatever got Aaron and Chris finally made it to me. Spent the day feeling awful but doing better now, just a quick and brutal stomach bug I guess.
Here's my sweet girl, who I didn't touch all day, wearing a new outfit from Andrea in England.

Very busy in the play kitchen...

Trying to sweet talk her way into my lap. I resisted!

Here is my sweet little man who fell asleep rubbing my head. He helped out a lot tonight! I love him!

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January 5

Sunday was a nice and easy day for us to get settled back at home before going back to school on Monday. Took down the tree, did laundry, got a lot done.
Ayla got to play with her new toy from her Auntie and Uncle and cousins, the Klip Klop Stable.

Here are some pics from the drive to a friends house:

We went over to the expecting Hohenwarters for a very fun gender reveal lunch and it was great to see the friends again after two weeks away from work.

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Saturday, January 4, 2014

January 4

Hi, my name is Ayla and I had a giant poop explosion with two hours left in our flight home. My dad and brother are sick and I needed some attention!

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Location:Dumfries Rd,Manassas,United States

Friday, January 3, 2014

Happy New Year and some pictures!

So I'm taking pictures!! Going to try to post one for every day, and giving permission for myself to use phone pictures! I'm going to stick with it!

On New Years Day we had some delicious breakfast nachos before Ashley had to fly back to Iowa!

On January 2, I took a couple of pictures of my sweet sleeping baby, and Aaron and Cameron had to work some things out on the get-along rug!

Today, January 3, Aaron is ending our CA vacation with a 103.5 fever. Not fun!

And here's a cute sleeping baby with her bottom in the air!

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