Friday, January 3, 2014

Happy New Year and some pictures!

So I'm taking pictures!! Going to try to post one for every day, and giving permission for myself to use phone pictures! I'm going to stick with it!

On New Years Day we had some delicious breakfast nachos before Ashley had to fly back to Iowa!

On January 2, I took a couple of pictures of my sweet sleeping baby, and Aaron and Cameron had to work some things out on the get-along rug!

Today, January 3, Aaron is ending our CA vacation with a 103.5 fever. Not fun!

And here's a cute sleeping baby with her bottom in the air!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

  1. Ooh I LOVE the get-a-long rug !! Hope Aaron is feeling better soon but I am happy you've started up your blog again :)
