Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Late night update

Well, it's our first night in the hospital and it's got to get easier from here! Aaron has been doing well. He is constantly monitored in every way and although he is in a lot of pain, he is doing a great job communicating. Chris and Ashley stayed with him for a shift while I ate with my parents and sister and at about 8 I got back here to hunker down for the night in a super comfortable (GIANT WINK) sleeper chair. I got in a good 45 minutes of sleep and then another 30 later, which is a good start because I wasn't able to nap at all during the day. Aaron is asleep 90% of the time with intermittent wakeups to say his back or tummy hurts or to tell me he wants to go home or just make sure I am here.
Goals for overnight/tomorrow morning: get him to where he can have something to drink, go longer between morphine doses, and get his dressing changed by his surgeon. Goodnight!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. Hope you can get some sleep. I know it's almost impossible to do in a hospital and with a "sick" child on top of it but you need your sleep too little mama so you may have to pull yourself away tomorrow and find a real bed to nap in. :)

  2. What Shari said! Sleeping was the hardest part when Mason was in the hospital. So glad things went well today. Still praying for you guys every chance!

  3. Praying that Aaron is having a great day of recovery. xoxo
