Here are the little men playing with cars while everyone else is flitting about working on party prep.
This was a Toy Story party, so we tried to max out the theme! Here are the alien cupcakes we made. Cute, right? :)
Alien popcorn (a white chocolate covered popcorn recipe I learned at ScrapMatters, you can dye your chocolate for any occasion, and it is truly sinful!)
Cameron LOVED playing with “Mr. Tato Head” during his visit and now has a collection of his own at home!
Courtney gave Aaron a little Lotso bear and we had him in a dump truck for the festivities.
Notice the March Madness on in the background…poor kid will have that on for every birthday party he ever has for the rest of his life. Lily and I are playing “The Claw” for some small prizes.
And there is Grampy himself.
Love these shots full of people, reminds of how noisy it was and how much fun we had.
We moved outside for another activity, the soldier search! We had a bunch of green army men scattered about and the kids got to keep all the ones they found. Very fun!
Once the soldiers made it back inside, Chris was helping Aaron line them up…
…which drew a crowd!
A quick moment for a family photo of Ash, Aaron, Chris and Sarah. (courtney was asleep on the couch at this point…so…she couldn’t join the photo. yes, the party was still going on.)
And now it’s time for Hamm painting!
Here’s our cool food tags.
and all the finished pigs drying. The kids LOVE painting things that they will get to keep!
After the party, the boys are checking out some sort of iPad fun with Caleb.
Look at this series of pictures that will break your heart. Cameron and Aaron didn’t have a nap on party day…and poor Cameron buddy was still adjusting to the time difference. Here he is trying to have a snack, but he’s not quite able to get through it! He was just exhausted!
And to close out the day…a funny picture for a hilarious story. Mom was looking for croutons in the pantry…and Ashley told them they were at belly button level. But Ashley is REALLY tall and Mom is a shorty…so…Mom was looking at her OWN belly button level, and that was a two shelf difference! HA!
Okay, I’m tired just making this post! Back for more catch up in a bit!
I love love love that picture of Chis, Aaron and the girls. It is so great!