Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Big Boy Bed update...

Last night was a success! No evidence that he got out of his bed until this morning when he was crying for us to come get him. Naptime today was another story. He got out of his bed twice, both times I went into his room he ran right to the door to meet me and look up at me earnestly. Then I tried a strategy I heard from a friend that consisted of me staying in there and putting him back in bed without engaging with him. He then stayed in his bed but did not sleep A WINK. We only let him stay in bed awake for one hour at naptime before we get him out of bed. (He had been struggling with naptime about once a week already before the big boy transition.) So no nap for him. Later, at 6:00pm, he fell asleep in Chris' lap during a story. Darnit. I don't know how we are going to work this out, but we have got to get him on a schedule that has him tired enough for naptime no later than 3:00pm. Lots of running around in the morning and early afternoon will be my next approach, starting tomorrow! and p.s.-another summer project DONE, Aaron's too-small clothes are SORTED and PACKED!

Here is Mr. I Refuse to Take a Nap in my Big Boy Bed sleeping through dinner:


  1. I love you wife! I know we (you) will get this sorted out to our (your) satisfaction!

  2. With today's project done, guess I shall bring a suitcase for the return trip. Cameron is growing.................... FAST!!!
